Friday, 16 October 2015


            2000 years ago Jesus Christ planted the trees; the trees which he planted still exist. These trees are vows. Jesus Christ is the source of the vows. When we talk about vows, these vows are rooted and grounded in Jesus Christ. Before telling us about these vows Jesus Christ himself practiced them in His life. He always put them into practice. Jesus Christ is great example of vows. He did not say simply rather he followed them faithfully, vow of poverty, vow of chastity and vow of obedience. These three vows were followed by Jesus Christ. Though he was the king of kings, He became poor, He chose to be born in the crib, and by this picture we can say that He was poor. About chastity he was chaste both in body in and in spirit all through his life. This he showed by his love towards everybody equally. His Obedience remained till the death on the crass; he was obedient to his father.
            In today’s world if you go to see the most challenging vow is vow of obedience and it’s very true. Many people find difficult to live the vow of obedience. Nobody wants to remain servants. On the others hand everybody wants to act as master or commander over others. The good things about obedience are that those who follow obedience faithfully they do not do any wrong in their lives. They have always fruitful lives because obedience gives mutual understanding to live our lives and help us to be good Disciples of Christ.
            We Capuchins have got constitution and it speaks clearly about our vow of obedience, specially how to live and remain obedient to our superior and our elderly friars.  Since we are called to remain obedient, we must follow it, of course we are liberated people we have our freedom but beside that our fraternal life also is important. We have concern and love for each other. Nobody wants that others must suffer. If we want to go out we need to take permission because it’s good for us. If you break the vow of obedience you will have very bad or sad life.
            Today vow of poverty and chastity is depending on the vow of obedience because if you are obedient certainly you will not go against the vows of poverty and chastity. Obedience is binding us in our commitment. It is allowing us to respect each other. It is always keeping good relationship and mutual understanding among each other. Obedience in seen everywhere in married life, religious life and in work places too.

            Our founder St Francis of Assisi has drawn the picture from Jesus Christ. He looked at the Jesus’ life and tried to imitate him as Jesus was. 

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